Abortion has been an ongoing battle in the United States for years since many people have very different opinions on the touchy subject and no permanent laws have been set in stone. While abortions haven’t been banned all together and still haven’t been labeled as illegal, there are some laws being put into place, in certain states, causing abortion clinics to shut down. Some clinics are able to meet the requirements and keep their facilities open, however, others are not in the same position, and cannot afford to keep their doors open, due to the low revenue that is coming in by no longer being able to perform the pricey procedures on their patients.
Since some facilities rely solely on the income from the abortion procedures, employees and owners are being forced to shut down and are becoming jobless in this already tough economy. Although many people agree that the abortion procedure is wrong, there are others who can agree that the decision of having the procedure done is completely up to the woman considering it. Because of these strict laws, facilities are being shut down and women are being turned away even with an already previously scheduled procedure. Is it just?